Broadrake Bunkbarn - Week 59 7th-13th Dec 2015

At the start of the week, a new home for the brew-up - the drying room to be, yet to be painted
and rules needed to be made...
this was taken at the end of the week so looking a little grubby
but it kept the floor clean upstairs for the 1st oiling on Monday and 2nd coat on Wednesday

Mid-week, Insitu came to start the wash room floor surface, priming and applying first coat - access denied - imperative that NOTHING goes in whilst it's drying
then a 2nd coat with the final colour mix - a limestone/grey/biege mix that looks good with the slate and white walls....the final sealant went in on Saturday - should be dry by Monday

The handles on the outside doors were fitted last week - thumb turn locks since some of these will be fire exit routes.

By the end of the week, possible to get upstairs to see the result - amazing!
The product is Marldon hard wax oil which is environmentally friendly
 On Friday afternoon the joiners fitted the legs to the kitchen base units and positioned them roughly...

On Saturday, Mike makes a start on a bunkbed....

(pics will be added later of completed bunk)
and outside in the very cold garage, a start is made on priming and undercoating the skirting and door architraving - 7 done, 28 to go....4.8m lengths of 70mm*20mm square cut
it's much easier to paint standing up rather than crawling around on hands and knees...but that will HAVE to be done for the topcoat.
