Broadrake Bunkbarn - Week 29 Days 136-140

This week sees more picking out to the front of the building and inside the entrance way

....and continues inside on the gable end wall

at the opposite end of upstairs, the new wall continues upwards, with hole for flue pipe

and on Monday afternoon, the new ground floor windows arrive!
    Fire escape and 2 smaller windows for the rear..................and 2 for the front

so - the windows are in, just awaiting final trim back of damp proof membrane ...
 we like the recommended 'Lizard Grey' colourway by the National Park sits well against the stonework and with the roof

 fire escape window - doesn't look such a long drop to the ground....but it will need steps!

and from the inside - foam will be trimmed flush, and insulation and plasterboard added to meet the frame

 looking dark but white walls will help a lot....

So on Thursday we've swapped builders for electrician and plumbing planning and the first wires go in

one more day and there is a whole host of wires everywhere - 2 ring mains, and lighting circuits

At evening playtime, the lambs find it fun to play in the builders bags

 they are a pair of posers -  'Daley's '- sturdy, and full of character - Dalesbred 

and on the wildlife front, the song thrush in the barn is now feeding frantically - there are at least 3 young - the parent continues to brood and is undisturbed by the builders coming in and out

 more exciting news is the evidence of swallows at least roosting in the new swallow house
3 swallows have been seen entering and leaving the entrance. Mike & Jinx you can be proud!
Our aim was that they at least gave it a watch this space.
