Broadrake Bunkbarn - Week 39 20th-24th July

This week the work has been upstairs adding insulated plasterboard over the first layer of insulation between the rafters. It's been a very fiddly process since the purlins are anything but nice and square, and lots of cutting is required to get a good fit.

the pile of 60 insulated plasterboards is going down..............not quite half way down yet

and Toddy after 10 days in Morrocan sunshine starts on the ceilings downstairs

Finally, whilst all the attention had been inside the barn, no one noticed the song thrush sitting on a 3rd nest in the big the birds have hatched and are being fed...

if we get 3 more babies, this will bring the known count of hatched song thrushes at Broadrake to 12!!! - 9 from the new barn, and 3 from the old barn
You can see why they've been successful because there are plenty of big fat worms!!

On Friday, Brian noticed that the pied wagtails he'd spotted nesting in the new barn had left the nest....they'd been tucked away right next to the opening door that bangs violently in wind.

 The house martins are still chattering early morning on the house, but no sight of babies yet....just more grass and feathers around the nest opening
