Broadrake Bunkbarn - Week 12 Jan 12th-Jan 16th 2015

 Week 12 start sees the temporary removal of the big doors and start of roof despite snowfall 

Old barn doors are lifted out from the base stones and the beam sockets

The builders noticed a dartboard impression on the barn door in low level morning sunlight
& plenty of initials....

the base of the door with its iron lug which fits into the base stone....the wooden door base has sat directly onto the stone where the wear can be seen
a base stone that receives the  lug in the bottom of the door

The top hinge lug which sits into the socket on the underside of the beam

Final repair of upper edges of the front wall and gable end gets underway ready for the roof   - but no pics possible up there

Wednesday this week saw the return of the snow, and a 'snow day' for the builders so all was quiet on site

so a pic of the viaduct in the snow instead

By Thursday am the snow had all disappeared so back onto the roof to complete the battening to fit with the diminishing slate pattern. Very strong winds today, deafening in the trees.   

The first crate of roof slates make it up to the roof scaffolding..... 

 and some tricky planning is needed to take care of the slight shift in the front edge from the dairy across the main entrance way. It doesn't help that the dairy roof is all out of square

Friday saw white covering over the mountain tops at the start of the day and by the start of action on the roof, the snow had started falling at barn level...

1 hour later the snow was covering the roof slate nail holes fast so they couldn't see where to hammer...
The builders decided to leave the site in case they couldn't make it down the lane since the snow was falling quite heavily.....

 45 mins was the right decision

although the sun did come out later after a morning of snow
