Broadrake Bunkbarn Works - Week 1

Just to back track and show some images from progress as we started week 1 saw underpinning inside the main barn area - fortunately no concrete floor here, just lots of soil - and rocks....
very small sections at a time.......

 lots of manual digging....

progress is being made.....

the heap of soil gets bigger daily...

 all the barn fittings now removed.

At the end of the week, the main barn has been completed, and work started with jack-hammering out the concrete floor - 4 layers to start the underpinning process in the next area of back wall. 
 all starting to look more solid

Jack hammering to remove 4 layers of concrete along back wall - lots of hard core 
     stall divisions starting to go...

and outside, the new sheep control barriers in place 
