So into the 2nd week with underpinning finished inside by Wednesday.....
Attentions then moved to the outside of the barn, to check out what might be found......this was the scary moment everyone was wondering about - was it going to be solid bedrock?
this huge rock WAS behind the barn.........
it looked a little worrying as to how many more there might be like this.....
Whilst digging went on outside, clearing of the inside continued......
... just across the fields to new manure store
Preparations for underpinning the outside of the back wall are a little more challenging - heavy rain has turned this into a clay bog, rapidly filling the holes with water with heavy rain....bailing out was required....hence the buckets....
byre divisions have gone....
and another go at the 2nd layer of concrete in the end lean-to...this was the last of the jack hammering for now since building tremors were being felt by those in the outside holes at the back...
At this stage, the heap of soil out front wasn't looking too onerous....
Attentions then moved to the outside of the barn, to check out what might be found......this was the scary moment everyone was wondering about - was it going to be solid bedrock?
this huge rock WAS behind the barn.........
it looked a little worrying as to how many more there might be like this.....
Whilst digging went on outside, clearing of the inside continued......
The main floor is removed....a lot of wood here....some woodwormed, some split, but not too bad at all - upcycling for sure - possible tree house material
We are very grateful that the hard core has found a 2nd home - Will the farmer has been very helpful at leaving large trailers for filling up, and then coming to take them away to be re-used as hardcore for the back of his new manure store just 2 fields away.
Meanwhile, more clearing out of the interior......
internal wall comes down as it had a big bulge...stone is used to complete external wall rebuild
bezzel slates carefully taken down - very fragile, not sure whether they might just disintegrate
bezzel frame work removed from inside......suggestions for re-siting welcome...
and another go at the 2nd layer of concrete in the end lean-to...this was the last of the jack hammering for now since building tremors were being felt by those in the outside holes at the back...
So the first 2 weeks has seen significant progress and site changes as volumes of soil, rock, concrete are dug, shifted, broken up and then moved well away from the barn front.
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